Monday, February 22, 2010

Heavy 1B

Really! 4 years of no cleaning and yet he is only a 1B. Good for him though! I don't want to see boneloss..But he made me work for that 1B. Good experience, right!?
Not a great time with the x-rays today. Tipped 2nd molars and narrow arch. Guess what I was taking xrays with -- that fat sensor - would have needed 4 supplements for them. UGH!!!
OH heaven I need a vacation.
bye bye

Monday, February 8, 2010

Class V

Kinda liking that! ITS great to have someone that is nearly a 1B. She had a lot of bleeding and some calculus but a great patient.

Went pretty good

Monday, February 1, 2010


patient canceled 1 hour before...
Thank Heaven I was the CA or I wouldn't have found out in time to have one come in.
Mr. Salomon was a great help with that today. Gave me a patient name... she came in.
Great Patient. IB, she came in half hour late, needed a new HHX, bwx, still got her done and she left early! YIPEE!!!
Still worried about finding my pano and fmx requirements. Not worried that I won't know how to take them. Just finding someone that really needs them and that will pay for them too!!!
CA'd this morning. Not as painful as I thought it would be!