Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What day is it again?

Oh yeah Its Tuesday... clinic day. I am so so so so so tired all of the sudden. Morning patient...Class V, hurray!!! Afternoon patient was 2 quads of class III, 2 quads of class II.
Both great patients. Morning patient had staining from all her tea drinking...next appointment I will use the air powder polisher!! dreaded thing. But her anatomy demands a little more then prophy paste/cup, I even used the prophy brush.
Afternoon patient had 2- 3 unit bridges, 1 4 unit bridge, 8 crowns, ton of recession... and decay on an abutement. The cement was irritating the tissues at the margins of the crowns on the all ceramic crowns. OH it makes me appreciate restorationless patients... :)
Going to love patient interaction in the office- someday. People are so kind and neat.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1/2 day clinic sweet relief :)

Nice to only have a half day of patients to work on. :O) Since my class III canceled for this morning. I did have a great replacement patient that I saw last february.. LOVE her.. What a sweet patient. I felt bad.. first time I really saw the effects of stress. Patient had really great pocket readings last time.. no bleeding.. but today wow! 4's and 5's in even the premolars... not as much build up in her mouth but her gums were very unhappy. It was a good experience to really talk to the patient about such circumstances and how to compensate for stress in life.
thank you KIMMMERSSSSSS!!! gave me a quad of her patient<> for mock boards and I took her xrays.. I love my friends in the program. Tiauna was cleaned up my room...Linda came and cleaned it again... HOW efficient they are :) Nice to have help!!