Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What day is it again?

Oh yeah Its Tuesday... clinic day. I am so so so so so tired all of the sudden. Morning patient...Class V, hurray!!! Afternoon patient was 2 quads of class III, 2 quads of class II.
Both great patients. Morning patient had staining from all her tea drinking...next appointment I will use the air powder polisher!! dreaded thing. But her anatomy demands a little more then prophy paste/cup, I even used the prophy brush.
Afternoon patient had 2- 3 unit bridges, 1 4 unit bridge, 8 crowns, ton of recession... and decay on an abutement. The cement was irritating the tissues at the margins of the crowns on the all ceramic crowns. OH it makes me appreciate restorationless patients... :)
Going to love patient interaction in the office- someday. People are so kind and neat.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! that last patient sounded pretty awful:) Good thing your so friekin amazing at all this. That many of that kind of thing is just so frustrating!I would say I feel your pain but I probably dont:) I don't think I've seen a patient with quite that many restorations. Good job though!
