Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am tired.
My class III this morning had so much calculus I couldn't probe the lowers. And couldn't see the teeth from the lingual aspect at all. He was a great learning experience and got to use the area specific ultrasonic tips... and I really think they were on my side!!! I was only able to do one quad..had to spend time cleaning up the lower bridge of calculus so I could probe at his next appointment. He was such a great patient and so kind.
My afternoon IV was crazy hard to probe. I had a 12+ area along with the many many 8, 9, and 10 readings. He didnt want xrays... or anesthetic. I tried to convince him otherwise. I had my instructor come over to show me how to access the areas I felt I was missing and after that he was done. He didn't want me to even touch up the two spots she found.. I just hope he really comes back and lets us use anesthetic and I talked to him about nitrous as well.
OH what a day! Only two quads in 8 hours... not feeling so efficient or productive.
oh well... good good good experience and by far the hardest patients I have seen thus far.


  1. You are amazing and I'm sure you did great! I would be so scared with pockets that deep. Ah!!

  2. Marilyn Marilyn Marilyn!!! I would let you clean my 14 mm pockets anyday....without anesthetic!! I hope he does come back in for you, it sounds like a great experience!!

  3. Wow, sounds like a day! You're awesome though, I'm sure you did fabulous! Hope you're feeling better!
