Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Classmates

What can I say! We are all so different. Yet each person brought in their own unique ways- sayings- habits whatever it may be. Learning patience for each other is also a life lesson. I watch some of the younger ones and how their tolerance isn't much. Heck sometimes I can't tolerate things either. But in a dental office - I can handle uniqueness- even if its an effort to be around. BUT laziness and selfishness I can't handle and as most of my friends no it really bugs me and hurts my feelings. I hope that my classmates know I love each of them for who they are- and the examples each of them were to me in their own way. Weird how we find a few and stick to them- its comfortable- we become them--- right Linda? or is it Marilyn? oh shoot I don't know who I am. Lauren- Heidi! But even though we kinda buddy up I felt connected to so many and hope that they know how special they are in my life. I hope they looked past my imperfections and forgive me for my crankiness! Class of 2011- I truly am going to miss you. Don't be a stranger!

1 comment:

  1. I've looked up to you in so many ways these past two years. You are an incredible student/mom/woman! I feel the same way, hope people can look past my downfalls and forgive me of any wrong-doings (because I know I've had my fair share of muttering these past two years!) You'll do great things in your life. I'll miss you a lot. We'd better keep in touch! Thanks for everything!
